LP Building Solutions

Making a Difference with Premium Products

LP knows using premium products doesn’t automatically make for more satisfied customers or a better jobsite. But when you have premium products that actually increase the resiliency and performance of a build, you can have fun with everyone else's.

Services Provided
  • Video Production
  • Social Media
  • Influencer Marketing


OTT Impressions


Engagement rate on influencer's channels


Reach across 4 posts

Considering the Audience

How do we reach builders, who are fighting to compete in an increasingly competitive and uncertain market, and convince them that a partnership with LP will bring incremental value to their business through premium solutions that are proven to perform yet have a higher price of entry?

Changing Their Perception

Because LP Structural Solutions are premium products but not inaccessible, we used a notably human approach that cut through the clutter with fun and cleverness. In an exaggerated, parodic setting, we showed that premium products—not fancy fits or high teas—are what truly elevates a jobsite. Click here to see more of the work.

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